Thursday, July 31, 2008

Saturday August 2

It looks like just about everyone is away this weekend, so I guess we can take a break from the weekly WRAP group. Have fun and be safe (unlike the people in the picture!). Kids - don't try this at home!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Saturday, July 26

Some of us are planning to bike this weekend because the MS bike tour is coming up quickly.

Here's a picture of the bike I'll be riding in the tour. :-)

Biking: Chris, Anka, Sylvia, Judy
Running: Sue, Elaine & Nigel
Walking: Patty & Margot
Away: Jennifer, Marie-andrée, Dianne, Mary, Elaine A, Mary O.

Biking - Friday July 25

Destination: Petrie Island
Distance: 50 km

Details to follow.

Bikers: Sylvia, Anka, Chris.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Saturday, July 19

It looks like there are a lot of people away this weekend (Chris, Jen, Jean, Judy, Sylvia, + + +) so there may be a smaller turnout this weekend. Unless the folks who will be here want to organize to meet somewhere else, the standard meeting place is Bushtaka at 9:00.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Saturday, July 12

Location: Keg Manor, 529 Richmond Road (go west from Bushteka - it's on the same side of the road)

Parking: Park in the far corner of the back lot

Time: 9:00 as usual

Brunch: Bring something to contribute - but not too much and nothing difficult! If everyone brought enough of something for 4, it should work out fine. (e.g. 4 bagels, 4 servings fruit salad, 4 boiled eggs, etc.).

Coffee: For those of us who need our coffee (that's me!), I have a huge coffee dispenser I can bring that should be enough for all. I'm terrible at making coffee, so I can get it filled up at Tim's and everyone who wants coffee can just chip in a buck or whatever it costs.

Utensils: Please bring a mug and any utensils needed for the food you bring. I'll bring a tablecloth and napkins.

Here's a message from our fearless leader, Jennifer:

Hello everyone ...Summer is definitely here! Humidity plus out there, so don't forget whatever you're doing, to make sure that you're well hydrated!Remember those winter days of snowfall after snowfall, and we were wishing for our beautiful, sunny, hot summer days! Well, they're here!!!!

One idea is that last week some of us ran thru the gardens at Maplelawn. That was a real treat, followed by a bit of time along the Parkway, which was somewhat shaded. Then we ventured to Donna's for breakfast on the patio. All and all, quite a nice morning!

Enjoy the rest of the week and see you on Saturday!!!!

"When we feel stuck, going nowhere -- even starting to slip backward -- we may actually be backing up to get a running start.." --- DAN MILLMAN

"After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box." from Dianne Stokoe

Biking - Friday July 11

Time: 9:00 am
Location: parking lot by the Champlain (Island Park) bridge
Bring: lunch
Kms: 41+

Not sure how many kms we are doing this week, but it was 41.5 last week, so I'm assuming it will be more than that!! And I just recovered from last week...

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Saturday, July 5

OK, I do believe that the weather pattern has turned the corner, (except for today) and that we will have an absolutely beatiful day on Saturday!!!!!

Last week we managed to finish our walk/run before the rain, but it started up right after, so we were forced to sit in an enclosed patio for breakfast, with the patio doors all open. So it was almost like sitting outside!

Well, I am quite confident in saying that we will have a gorgeous morning, this coming Saturday, for walking or running, so do come out and join us!!

If any of you come up with ideas for an alternative place to meet, and /or for breakfast after, please feel free to suggest it. If possible, we should not leave any big changes till Friday, as some people don't get their e-mails on Fridays.

So, come on out and join in Saturday morning!!!! We're all a little rusty, so not to think that you're the only one that may feel that way! :)


"You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment."---Henry David Thoreau

Encourage one another. Many times a word of praise or thanks or appreciation or a cheer has kept people on their feet." ... Anonymous