Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Saturday, Feb 28

Hello Everyone ...
Looks like another glorious Saturday, though a little unpredictable. Spring is certainly in the air, just that it's a little difficult to harness! Maybe a little snow, a little rain and lots of sun thrown in to make the next few days interesting!

Just think, this is already the last (partial) weekend of February and then we're into March ... seems like winter is going by quite quickly!

Looks like a few of the regulars won't be around this weekend, including myself, so I think it's a great idea to "reply to all" with your intentions, especially if you're planning on going. Others will want to know if anyone is going to be there.

So, meeting at Bushtukah on Saturday at 9:00am. From there, walkers and or runners can go their ways and meet up for breakfast!

Have a great week!


"You have powers you never dreamed of. You can do things you never thought you could do. There are no limitations in what you can do except the limitations of your own mind." --- Darwin P. Kingsley

"True happiness stems from a quality within ourselves, from a way of thinking of life. Of all the millions of words written on happiness, this is the oldest and most enduring truth. If the principles of contentment are not within us, no material success, no pleasures or possessions, can make us happy." --- Lillian Eicler Watson

Skiing - Friday, Feb 27

Hi All,

Because I will be out of town this weekend, I will not be organizing any Friday skiing.

However, I hope you will put Friday, March 6 on your calander.
It is the last day for Women on skis for this year/
The day will be at Nakkertok South, and is always a great highlight of the ski year.
Pot luck lunch, great draw prizes, and, oh!, did I mention wonderful trails to ski on!!


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Saturday Feb 21

Well another week and another crazy forecast for weather! Not sure if it's going to snow or have sun, be cold with a windchill or mild if the winds don't blow ....

So, we just go out there and conquer anything that is thrown our way!

Hard to believe it though, but we are a good part of the way through winter and have about 2 weeks till Daylight Savings time. You can already tell that the days are getting longer and even the cold days aren't as cold as they felt a few weeks ago! Guess that Ground Hog wasn't totally correct in his forecast ...

So, we'll meet Saturday at 9:00 at Bushtukah, where the walkers and runners can head out from. The snowshoers can head down to the end of Churchill and head out from there.

Breakfast will be at Donna's by around 10:15.

Congratulations to Peggy, who once again won her age group in the Winterlude Triathlon and to Sue Bayly who participated in her very first Winterlude Triathlon. Sue took this adventure on with only a few weeks of training and did a remarkable job. Atta Go Sue!!!!!

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
Mark Twain

"Women are like teabags; you never know how strong they are until they're put in hot water."Eleanor Roosevelt

Cheers and have a great week!!!


This picture was taken up at Nakkertok North cabin last week. The skiing wasn't good but the snowshoeing (and company) was great!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Saturday, Feb 14

Hello everyone ...

Understand that most problems are a good sign. Problems indicate that progress is being made, wheels are turning, you are moving toward your goals. Beware when you have no problems. Then you've really got a problem . . . Problems are like landmarks of progress. ... Scott Alexander

Once we get past the nasty weather on Thursday, we shall have some great weather on Saturday! Looks like we turned the page on those 'rainy Saturdays''!

We'll plan on walking and snowshoeing again this Saturday ... though we've lost one of our snowshoers ... as Anka and Fred have headed off to Florida until April. I think that she'll reall miss the snow and cold, don't you think?

We'll meet by 9:00 at Bushtukah, where the walkers will head out from. The snowshoers drive over to the end of Churchill and head out from there. We'll meet back at Donna's for breakfast by 10:15am. If the forecast holds out, you may need sunscreen for Saturday!

"That is why you fail." (in response to Luke saying, "I don't believe it."). .....Yoda

As a housewife, I feel that if the kids are still alive when my husband gets home from work, then hey, I've done my job. ....... Roseanne Barr

Enjoy the rest of the week ... don't forget your umbrella for the next day or two!


No skiing this Friday - Feb 13

I delayed writing this email in hopes that the weather forecast would change and snow would come in tonight. But - it didn't! So - there will be no Peggy-organized skiing for this Friday ... we might think about water-skiing though!

If anyone else wants to organize a Friday activity, please go ahead!

Next week is Women on Skis on Thursday in the Lac Phillipe sector - assuming that there will be fresh snow-fall by then!


Friday, February 6, 2009

Saturday, Feb 7

Best 6 Weeks of Winter are here

G'day Everyone ...

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."--- Albert Einstein

Well, chances are tomorrow won't be the typical freezing cold of the past few Saturdays, I'm just not sure exactly what we'll have! So be prepared for snow or rain, sun or cloud and cool or not so cool!

With Wiarton Willy seeing his shadow on Monday, it actually means that the BEST 6 weeks of winter are now here! The bitter cold days are behind us, there will be more sunny days and of course our days are getting noticeably longer! Only 4 weeks till Daylight Savings!

This is a great thing to celebrate and what better way to do that than to come out on Saturday mornings and join us for the walks/runs or snowshoeing, followed by the necessary refueling of breakfast!

We're meeting at Bushtukah by 9:00am and will head for Donna's for breakfast by 10:15!

Best Wishes to Sue Bailey and Peggy who are participating in the Winterlude Triathlon tomorrow morning. Cudos to Sue, who is doing her first Winterlude Triathlon and Peggy, who has competed in all but 1 of these Events. You gals Rock!

"A fit woman is a powerful woman" Silvia Ruegger, Olympic marathon runner
